
Showing posts with label AMAZON. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AMAZON. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Harold Robbins


Standalone novels

Never Love A Stranger (1948)

The Dream Merchants (1949)

A Stone for Danny Fisher (1952)

Never Leave Me (1953)

79 Park Avenue (1955)

Stiletto (1960)

Where Love Has Gone (1962)

The Adventurers (1966)

The Inheritors (1969)

The Pirate (1974)

The Lonely Lady (1976)

Dreams Die First (1977)

Memories of Another Day (1979)

Goodbye, Janette (1981)

The Storyteller (1982)

Spellbinder (1982)

Descent from Xanadu (1984)

The Piranhas (1986)

Tycoon (1997)

Harold Robbins Book Series


The Carpetbaggers (1961)

The Raiders (1995)


The Betsy (1971)

The Stallion (1996)

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Man's search for Meaning

A prominent Viennese psychiatrist before the war, Viktor Frankl was uniquely able to observe the way that both he and others in Auschwitz coped (or didn't) with the experience. He noticed that it was the men who comforted others and who gave away their last piece of bread who survived the longest - and who offered proof that everything can be taken away from us except the ability to choose our attitude in any given set of circumstances.

The sort of person the concentration camp prisoner became was the result of an inner decision and not of camp influences alone. Frankl came to believe man's deepest desire is to search for meaning and purpose. This outstanding work offers us all a way to transcend suffering and find significance in the art of living.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

It started with a friend request

 From the author of That’s the Way We Met! and Few Things Left Unsaid, this true modern love story will sweep you off the feet. ‘It Started With a Friend Request’ is a heart-warming story that will pull all the right strings of your emotions.

Love silently steps in our lives and put us amidst whirlwind rising emotions. Single, young and conservative Akash prefers girls, who are smart and sensible than those in miniskirts. One lucky day, he meets Aleesha, a free-spirited girl and a Mass Media student in local discotheque. Aleesha being the only child of her parents is a spoiled brat. The meeting ends up with getting to know each other's interests and exchanging their BlackBerry pins. They start chatting regularly and slowly fall in love. As the duo plans to take their relationship ahead, fate that has already been writing a different plot, starts stirring things up. Will Akash and Aleesha give in to fate or build their own? How far will the couple go to save their relationship? See love from a completely different angle with It Started with a Friend Request.

Saturday, May 8, 2021


 Eragon: Christopher Paolini (The Inheritance Cycle) is the story of Eragon, who finds a polished stone one fine morning while hunting meat for his family. Eragon feels that it’s a magical stone which would help him buy meat for his family and with that expectation he goes to buy meat but is unfortunately turned down with disappointment when he could not buy any. It is then revealed to him that the polished stone is actually a dragon’s egg and is about to hatch. As the fledgling comes out of the polished hard shell, Eragon realises the real purpose of having found it. Something greater than fetching meat for his family awaits him. Eragon’s life changes overnight and he is forced to take up the dangerous adventures of a new world of magic, power, and destiny. The only weapon of protection that he has is the ancient sword and the piece of advice that an old storyteller gave for his guidance. Eragon starts his adventure with the young dragon and finds the way to the dark world of dangerous terrain and frightening enemies, who inhabit that dark world of the Empire ruled by an extremely evil ruler. Eragon thus becomes the hero on whom the destiny of the Empire depends. This book was published by RHUK in the year 2005. It is available in paperback.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Tycoon by Harold Robbins, outrageous and irresistible, Tycoon is Harold Robbins at his rip-roaring best.

Jack Lear rises from a modest Jewish background to take on the WASP world, but never quite feels he's succeeded in his ambition to be accepted as one of them. Making his fortune as a pioneering radio and television broadcaster and founding a landmark network isn't enough - nor is the money, fame and women who go with it. He continues to hunger for what he cannot have.

Here is a tale that only Harold Robbins could tell: of Jack's torrid relationship with his first wife, a WASP social heiress; of his affairs with everybody from chamber maids to duchesses; of his second marriage to a world-class beauty and society figure; and ultimately of his life-long struggle to make his network No. 1, and to give it a sense of class that sets it apart from all the others.


Monday, April 12, 2021

Where will you Get Ur Book

 What is the best place to Get Ur Books online. In this pandemic we are all suddenly placed in a unprecedented situation .In a never before experienced scenario, we are all at home with a lot of time in hand to follow our hobbies. Mine is reading & I like to have a lot of options at a time to enjoy different genres. As per my opinion , the best option available to Get Ur  Books is Amazon & Flipkart. What do you guys think?

Saturday, April 3, 2021


The time is 1964. The place is the Cabinet Room of the White House. An unexpected accident and the law of succession have just made Douglass Dilman the first black President of the United States.

This is the theme of what was surely one of the most provocative novels of the 1960s. It takes the reader into the storm center of the presidency, where Dilman, until now an almost unknown senator, must bear the weight of three burdens: his office, his race, and his private life.

From beginning to end, The Man is a novel of swift and tremendous drama, as President Dilman attempts to uphold his oath in the face of international crises, domestic dissension, violence, scandal, and ferocious hostility. Push comes to shove in a breathtaking climax, played out in the full glare of publicity, when the Senate of the United States meets for the first time in one hundred years to impeach the President.

Monday, March 8, 2021


Passionate summary of the inhuman treatment of the Jewish people in Europe, of the exodus in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to Palestine, and of the triumphant founding of the new Israel.”—The New York Times

Exodus is an international publishing phenomenon—the towering novel of the twentieth century's most dramatic geopolitical event.  Leon Uris magnificently portrays the birth of a new nation in the midst of enemies—the beginning of an earthshaking struggle for power.  Here is the tale that swept the world with its fury: the story of an American nurse, an Israeli freedom fighter caught up in a glorious, heartbreaking, triumphant era. Here is Exodus—one of the great bestselling novels of all time.


“Passionate summary of the inhuman treatment of the Jewish people in Europe, of the exodus in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to Palestine, and of the triumphant founding of the new Israel.” —The New York Times

From the Publisher

Exodus is an international publishing phenomenon--the towering novel of the twentieth century's most dramatic geopolitical event. Leon Uris magnificently portrays the birth of a new nation in the midst of enemies--the beginning of an earthshaking struggle for power. Here is the tale that swept the world with its fury: the story of an American nurse, an Israeli freedom fighter caught up in a glorious, heartbreaking, triumphant era. Here is Exodus --one of the great best-selling novels of all time.

"Passionate summary of the inhuman treatment of the Jewish people in Europe, of the exodus in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to Palestine, and of the triumphant founding of the new Israel." -- The New York Times

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

मृत्युंजय (कादंबरी)

 महाभारतातील 'कर्ण' या व्यक्तिरेखेवर आधारित शिवाजी सावंत यांनी लिहिलेली कादंबरी. सप्टेंबर २४ १९९५ रोजी या पुस्तकाला 'भारतीय ज्ञानपीठ' या संस्थेतर्फे मूर्तिदेवी पुरस्कार जाहीर झाला.

महाभारतातील सामान्यत: खलनायक म्हणून परिचित असलेल्या महावीर कर्णाच्या असामान्य व्यक्तिमत्वाचा मागोवा ही कादंबरी घेते. बऱ्याच कथा सर्वांनाच परिचित आहेत. नायक असूनही बहुतांशी सगळीकडे तो एक खलनायक भासतो. पण शिवाजी सावंत लिखित "मृत्युंजय " कादंबरी हाती घेतली आणि जणू कर्णाचे जीवन नव्याने माझ्या मनात उलगडले गेले. कर्णासारखा दानशूर या भूमीवर कधीच नव्हता हे वर रेखाटलेल्या चित्रावरून सिद्ध झालेच. अशा अनेक परिचित अपरिचित प्रसंगांशी आपली अगदी जवळून ओळख करून देते ही कादंबरी.… मराठी साहित्यास शिवाजी सावंत यांसकडून मिळालेली आणखी एक देणगी.

कुरुक्षेत्रावर सुरु असलेल्या कौरव-पांडवांच्या युद्धाचा तो सतरावा दिवस. वेळ जवळ जवळ सूर्यास्ताची. कौरव आणि पांडव या दोन्ही पक्षांतील योद्धे सारे स्तब्ध उभे. समोर जमिनीवर रक्तात न्हालेला महावीर कर्ण मृत्युच्या शेवटच्या घटका मोजत. इथे कर्ण मृत्युच्या दारात आणि आसपास सभोवताली पडला होता मृत सैनिकांचा रक्तबंबाळ झालेल्या प्रेतांचा खच.… इथे कर्णाचा शेवट पहात उभ्या योध्यांची मुग्ध शांतता आणि चहूकडे फक्त आकांत… त्या सैनिकांच्या स्वकीयांचा. कर्ण आपल्या मावळत्या पित्याला शेवटचा निरोप देत असतानाच त्याचे लक्ष वेधले गेले … एका पित्याच्या मदतीसाठी मारलेल्या हाकेकडे … एका दीर्घ आकांताकडे … एका करुणामयी विनवणीकडे.

                 " अरे या कुरुक्षेत्रावर कोणी आहे का मला मदत करणारा. युद्धात मुलगा मारला गेला माझा. त्याच्या अंतिम कार्यासाठीही द्रव्य नाही माझ्याकडे. कोणी आहे का ? "

ही मदतीसाठी मारलेली हाक दानवीर कर्णाने ऐकली आणि त्याने त्या याचकास जवळ बोलावले. त्याला इच्छा विचारली तेव्हा खरेतर त्या याचकास देण्यासाठी त्या क्षणी कर्णाकडे स्वतःकडे काहीच द्रव्य नव्हते. पण तरीही कर्णाने आपला दानधर्म न त्यागता आपल्या मुलास जवळ बोलावले आणि त्या जखमी स्थितीतही तो म्हणाला,

                " पुत्रा , आयुष्यभर जे मजपाशी होते ते ते सर्व जेव्हा जेव्हा ज्याने मागितले मी त्यास दिले. पण         आज हा याचक असाच रिकाम्या हाताने माझ्यापाशी येऊन परत जाणार हे कदापि शक्य नाही. तू एक काम कर . तो पडलेला जमिनीवरचा दगड घे आणि माझ्या तोंडात असलेले हे २ सोन्याचे दात पाड आणि या दुःखी पित्यास दे . त्याच्या मुलाचा अंतिम संस्कार करण्यासाठी ते त्याच्या कामा येतील. "

आपल्या यमसदनी निघालेल्या पित्यासोबत असे निघृण कृत्य करण्यास न धजावणाऱ्या पुत्रास पाहून शेवटी कर्णाने त्यास तशी आज्ञा केली. तेव्हा रडत रडतच दुःखी अंतःकरणाने त्या पुत्राने आपल्या पित्याची ती आज्ञा मानली आणि दगडाच्या घावांनी कर्णाचे तोंड रक्तबंबाळ केले. त्या रक्तवर्णात मोतीमाळेतून अचानक निखळून गळावे तसे २ चमचम करणारे सुवर्णदातही लालसर झाले होते. असे दान कसे दयावे ? हा विचार करत कर्णाने त्यांस आपल्या डोळ्यांपाशी नेले . त्या नयनकमलांतून वाहणाऱ्या अश्रूजलात न्हाऊन पवित्र झालेले रद रेशीम कापडाने पुसून घेत हे शेवटचे दान त्या याचकास सुपूर्द करत कर्णाने कायमचे डोळे मिटले.

Sunday, August 24, 2014


Amazon isn't just the everything store, it's the everything company. It deals with more than just shipping out massive amounts of products — it sells tablets and phones, cloud computing services, books, and now it's diving in to advertising. ​While the company already offers up ads as part of an affiliate program called Amazon Associates, its new advertising platform is said to take on the likes of the ubiquitous, all-powerful Google AdWords. (Video via Google) ​Amazon's ad platform is called Amazon CPM Ads — at least for now. Multiple reports say the final service will be called Amazon Sponsored Links. CPM stands for "cost per thousand impressions,"which is ad-speak for how much you'll get paid for every thousand views of an advertisement. ​TechCrunch reports the service will include ads from Amazon itself "as well as other 'high-quality' advertisers." The outlet says Amazon appears to be testing the service right now, as only some of the company's affiliates have been invited to give it a try. It seems if anything can take on the likes of advertising incumbent Google, it's Amazon. ​ As an analyst quoted in The Wall Street Journal reminds us, Amazon certainly knows a thing or two about people's purchases. "Amazon could use the data it has about buying behavior to help make these ads much more effective. Marketers would love to have another viable option." And Fortune says this would really be a one-two punch to Google's bottom line, because "Amazon is one of Google's largest ad buyers." Amazon would be building up its own advertising platform, all the while undermining its largest competitor.

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